Island Images Aerial - Drone Photography of the Isle of Man
Aerial '3D' Interactive Panormas
A new venture for Island Images!  I've been shooting aerial panoramas since 2017, mainly using multiple shots with manual exposures and then stitching them to produce
a 'flat' panorama that you can scroll from side to side.  I also tried shooting using the DJI 'Auto Panorama' feature on later drones, but couldn't until recently find a satisfactory
means of stitching and displaying them.  I tried using the Island Images Facebook page to display them with some success, but wasn't happy with the way it worked on a PC.
I've now started using the excellent Kuula Pro website to upload the panoramas to and it seems to work well on PCs and Android devices at least. 
Any feedback for other devices welcome.  The interactive panoramas for 2021 are now also linked from thumbnails in the relevant 'Month' page.
Island Images Kuula Site
If you like the panoramas there, please give them a 'like' on the page and feel free to leave any comments on them.  I'm still learing how to present them, the pictures from before
February 2021 were all ones shot before I really knew how to combine them, a lot of them are only partial panoramas and don't cover 360 degrees.
How are they produced
This covers the more recent ones shot from December 2020 onwards, so far just using the DJI Mini 2 and DJI Fly app.
The example below was taken in February 2021 at Creg-ny-Baa.
1 - Shoot the pictures
I'm using the 'Sphere Panorama' mode on the DJI Fly app which on the Mini 2 takes a series of 26 pictures covering 360 degrees around the drone location and directly below. 
These are downloaded post flight onto my desktop computer and the files renamed in 'Date/Time Group' format which helps me keep track of them.
2 - Stitch the 26 pictures into one panorama
I do this using PTGui Pro 12, an easy to use (or as complicated as you want!) program that recognises the picture set as a 360 degree panorama and combines the 26
original pictures into one image.  It usually makes a great job of it first go but there are many manual 'tweaks' availible if it doesn't get it quite as I want it.
3 - Final Processing
The stitched panorama is then dropped into Corel Paint Shop Pro 2020 for any final tweaks needed.  It doesn't look wonderful at this stage becase a 3D image is being shown
in a rather distorted 2D format.  It's then saved with a new filename ready for uploading to Kuula.  I'll also make a thumbnail size picture for putting into the 'Month' page.
This is what the panorama looks like before uploading.
4 - Upload to Kuula
This final stage ofers a few more editing options, the main ones that I use are choosing the direction and zoom at which the picture loads and the thumbnail displayed
on the Island Images Kuula webpage.  I'll add some details of the picture and also enable the Google Maps link so you can see exactly where the photo was taken from.
If you click on the image below it will take you to the finished Creg-ny-Baa picture.
Island Images Main Page
 Unless otherwise credited all pictures on this website  © Jon Wornham